Welcome to our HMIS Resources page!

On our HMIS Resources page will find links to useful pages like our HMIS Library which is FULL of printable notes, workflows, and videos for every single position and project type covering everything from program operations to data entry. You will also find great resources like our Q&A Page, Past Training Webinars, information about our HMIS Committee, and even HMIS News including changes/updates to our system, reporting requirements, and more.

We hope that this is useful to you. If you have questions or recommendations for added content, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Anna Gregor
HMIS System Admin, Upstate CoC

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Training Site Feedback

You feedback matters! If you have any questions, comments, find a typo, or maybe just want to share your ideas - this is the spot for you!

This form is anonymous (if you want it to be!)

Here are some items that have already been requested/on schedule for posting:

  • Work Flows for Reports

  • HUD Verification

  • PIT/HIC Prep

  • Move In Dates

  • Case Notes

  • CES

  • Duplicate Clients

  • Agency Admin Training

  • In Person Refresher Trainings for Agencies

  • Monthly Webinars + Q&A


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