Past News/Updates
December 2023

News - August 2023
HUD and the federal partners review and update the HMIS Data Standards every two years. The next updates falls on Oct. 1st 2023. We will have a webinar going into this in detail on September 5th at 2pm all Agency Admins and End Users are encouraged to attend. We will review each of the changes one by one, what that means for end-users, changes to reporting, and answering questions. The webinar will be available shortly thereafter on our website under the “Webinars” tab.
Some of the more notable changes are as follows:
Rapid Rehousing Programs will now have two projects, the Primary as well as a Services Only project
Some grant/project types will undergo a new nomenclature (a guide will be posted under our “Printables” tab soon)
Agencies will be identified if they are Access Points within the system allowing agencies to better identify for intake/referral needs
Race and Ethnicity will now be combined into one data element and multiples will be able to be selected. There will also be a text box for added detail if needed.
Gender Updates:
Female changes to “Woman (Girl if child)”
Male changes to “Man (Boy if child)”
Gender Other Than changes to “Non-Binary” and “Culturally Specific Identity, Different Identify, and Text Box” have been addedResponses will now be categorized as you complete assessments
ie. - Header 2a, 2b, 2c, and so on.HOPWA terminology updates
RHY terminology will change from “Youth” to “Client” in a number of fields
SSVF Added Responses: “Landlord Incentives, Tenant Incentives, Shallow Subsidy. Space Force” and a new Field of “End Date of Financial Assistance”
“Client Refused” changes to “Client prefers not to answer”
Languages will be added to a “Translation Assistance Needed” Field which will have 20 of 300 options on the drop down.
Project Request Updates
A new process has been implemented for requesting a project be built in HMIS. We are asking for these to be completed as quickly as possible prior to the grant start-date to allow time for building. The form is located on the Upstate CoC’s website under the HMIS tab.
You can also click the link below:
October 2023