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2023 Data Webinar + 2024 Data Standards Changes
Questions and Answers
Yes. Not only is this the base-line for most of our reports (like how many people experience homelessness in geographical areas, but this is also a HUD mandated questions for all CoC and ESG projects as well as many other federally funded projects.
Yes. Depending on the project type and how the Prior Living Situation is answered, a project may not have to answer approx. date homeless started, number of times and months homeless though. More information and an in depth explanation are in the video.
The 72 hour policy for data entry is 3 days from the data the information was collected. The 72 Hour Policy for data entry is in our South Carolina’s HMIS Policies and Procedures Manual. HUD requires a 5 day data entry window, but the APRs and CAPERs all monitor on the 72 hour window for Entry, Exit, and Annual Assessments and are not able to be changed as this is a federal policy for ESG and CoC funds.
Other CoC’s, like Low Country, have even shorter data entry requirements for their end-users set to 24hrs. The preferred method is real-time. This is because late entries can cause clients to miss out on accessing housing opportunities. Something else to note is that all agencies face the same scheduling. Even if you checked in a client on Friday, the goal is to enter data on Friday regardless of the weekend. If you’re not there, there would be not entries/exits/annual assessments being completed anyway so it woudn’t be late. To propose a change, it is encouraged to participate in the HMIS Committee and to engage during Advisory Council meetings as well. Your lead will represent your CoC to the State HMIS Steering Committee during our meetings.
Community Services (Our HMIS Software through WellSky) is a secured system and meets HIPPA compliance. In fact, WellSky is already used by many healthcare providers across the United States. I have included some screenshots from their website below, but you can learn more about our privacy in our Privacy Policy and Policy and Procedure documents on our website.
You can also have privacy settings so your case notes, or even specific assessment questions, and services can be made private to your agency alone. -
Both agencies will need to do update assessments. This is because when you have a client in your project, you are responsible for that client’s information (data completeness, quality, timeliness, assessments, etc.) regardless of their participation in other projects. Generally you’ll see a client exit another program prior to entering or just shortly after entering your own, but for the exceptions to this I recommend using Follow Ups on your profile within Case Notes or Services to remind yourself to complete regular update or annual assessments and to confirm all information with the client at the start of their case management meetings/appointments.