Coordinated Entry System


The Coordinated Entry System (CES) is a centralized or coordinated process designed to coordinate program participant intake assessment and provide client service referrals.


Coordinated Entry changes the way individuals who are experiencing a housing crisis access resources that are available to them. CES also serves as an essential strategy for HUD, other federal partners, and CoCs in the national goal of finding solutions to the current housing crisis.


When possible, the CES assessment provides the ability for households to be connected to the best options to address their specific needs. This is done by incorporating participants’ choices, rather than being evaluated for a single program within the system. The most intensive opportunities are prioritized for those with the highest needs based on their VISPDAT score.

Equal Opportunity

All clients served through the CES have an equal opportunity to be placed in housing and receive services no matter their geographic location. All clients entering the system are prioritized based on level of need.

Coordinated Entry processes should ensure that people with the most severe services needs and levels of vulnerability are prioritized for housing and assistance. 

One Entry Point

One entry point allows for efficient and effective placement of individuals and families as they are entered into the CES. Rather than contacting each agency separately, clients are placed into the CES for services based on the their score on the Vulnerability Index - Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool (VI-SPDAT), a survey administered both to individuals and families to determine risk and prioritization when providing assistance to homeless and at-risk of homelessness persons, and their level of need.

Coordinated Entry Systems Team

Tee Wallace
Coordinated Entry Systems Manager

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