HMIS Data Reports

Stella: Stella is a strategy and analysis tool that helps CoCs:

  1. Understand how their system is performing

  2. Model an optimized system that adequately addresses homelessness in their area


Available to all CoCs through the HDX 2.0, Stella has two modules:

  • Performance:Stella P” relies on dynamic visuals of CoCs’ data to illustrate how households move through the homeless system, and to highlight outcome disparities. “Stella P” does the heavy analytical lifting, so your CoC can focus on planning and improving your crisis response system.

  • Modeling:Stella M” assists CoCs in exploring how resource investment decisions amplify system capacity to end homelessness. “Stella M” starts with homeless needs and performance goals and helps the community transform those needs into a series of resource investment decisions.


Stella M is still in production, but “Stella P” is available now to help CoCs better gauge their progress toward preventing and ending homelessness. This section guides CoCs on what Stella is, where to access it, and how to use it.